It all begins with an IDEA.

Founded in 2010 in Charlotte, North Carolina, IDEA was established to educate families with Primary Immunodeficiency and spread awareness about the condition.

This grassroots organization is one of 3 physician-led groups in the nation, serving over 200 patient families (and counting!)

IDEA sponsors educational events for patients and their families, coordinates research opportunities, fundraises to support activities, and spearheads philanthropic initiatives throughout the Charlotte area.


The goal of IDEA is to educate patients and the community and to spread awareness of PI, thereby improving the overall health of children/adults by allowing them to overcome medical, financial, and social challenges. IDEA also seeks to provide fellowship and connections among the PI community

Meet Dr. Patel

Dr. Niraj Patel, founder of IDEA, is a double-board certified physician, specializing in Pediatric Infectious Disease and Immunology. Born in Kentucky to Indian immigrants, he received his undergraduate degree in Biology from St. Louis. He attended medical school at the University of Louisville, where he also completed his pediatric residency. From there, he completed two fellowships in Houston, Texas: pediatric infectious disease and pediatric allergy & immunology. This experience ignited his interest in immunodeficiency.

Since that time, Dr. Patel has worked at Levine Children’s Hospital, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, and Duke; served as the director of the Charlotte Immunodeficiency Center; been the director of the Pediatric Infectious Disease and Immunology at Levine Children’s; and founded IDEA.

Dr. Patel also served on the committee of immunologist in North Carolina responsible for ensuring that all infants in the state are screened for SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency.) He has been involved with multiple national trials for cutting-edge research and lectured throughout the US about his specialities. He was awarded the ACAAI Distinguished Service Award in 2021.

Dr. Patel enjoys spending time with his wife, gardening, chauffeuring his 3 children around town including Durham, and is a national Gold Medal Champion in Tae Kwon Do.

Get to know Dr. Patel

Watch this short video to learn more about Dr. Patel, his practice, and his approach.